The Importance of Mobile Keys in the Post Covid-19 Era

The Importance of Mobile Keys in the Post Covid-19 Era

Innspire SEO Blog

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Although hotel processes started turning from analog to digital quite a while ago, this transformation became necessary during the Covid-19 worldwide pandemic. The hospitality and travel industry tried to reduce human physical interaction by maintaining social distancing, working remotely and implementing various digital technologies to replace face-to-face contact. 

With the current pandemic transition toward normalcy, the lockdown measures are weakening, the social life awakens, and travel comes back to life. Unfortunately, the Covid pandemic danger is not as far from us as we wish. 

Hotels inevitably bring many people together, require a certain amount of physical proximity and for guests and staff to touch surfaces such as front desks, pens, POS machines, keys and more. All of the above are potential concerns, and that’s why it’s essential to highlight the importance of mobile keys in the post covid era.

The importance of being mobile

Being mobile is now essential in almost every aspect of life and every industry. People are self-sufficient and use their mobile devices for anything from browsing social media and ordering services to planning their trips and working while traveling. 

Digital technologies and mobile phones have enabled people worldwide to become more independent and have the freedom to do anything from anywhere.

The role of the Covid-19 pandemic

When talking about being mobile, it’s essential to acknowledge its importance was tremendous long before the pandemic. However, the lockdown period certainly escalated the necessity of digital contactless methods and played a key role in mobile check-in and mobile key implementation for hotels.

The need to implement physical distancing and other measures to ensure people’s safety made it impossible for the hospitality sector to keep traditional ways of working. Throughout the previous year, small and large hotels incorporated digital technologies into their working processes to meet safety requirements and health guidelines.

Mobile room keys and health safety protocols

Mobile keys played a crucial role for hotels that wanted to keep up with Covid-19 guidelines and ensure that their staff and guests stayed safe. 

The mobile key technology allows for a hotel guest to use their own mobile device to gain room access and unlock door locks of amenities for shared use through the hotel’s mobile app. All of that consequently has several benefits related to Covid precautions. 

They include the following :

  • Reduces the number of people waiting in the lobby and therefore increases the physical distance between them
  • Eliminates transferring material keys and key cards from the front desk staff to hotel guests
  • It eliminates the possibility of transferring germs carried on hotel room keys or key cards
  • Reduces common touchpoints and contact with surfaces
  • It puts guests’ and staff members’ minds at ease, and they feel safer.

The Importance of Mobile Keys in the Post Covid-19 Era

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The contactless mobile guest journey

Before arrival

The contactless mobile guest journey begins before the guest arrives at the hotel’s premises. After they make a booking through the original hotel website or a third-party provider, they receive an email with their booking details. 

In addition to that information, they get links that provide access to a mobile check-in page where they can check in whenever they want before their stay.

A successful check-in procedure will require entering details such as name and address, payment details and an attached scanned ID card or passport. 

After the process is completed, a confirmation page will appear, and a mobile key that the guest can use throughout their stay will be sent. The guest journey continues flawlessly by redirecting them to informational pages or exclusive offers to help them further plan and personalize their trip.

After arrival

Once the guest arrives at the hotel, he doesn’t need to queue in long lines and worry about his safety among a large group of people. Their minds are at ease, and they know they are cared for well since item transfers and surface touching are unnecessary. 

Guests can directly skip the line and go to the privacy of their room to unload their luggage and unwind after a long trip.

The Importance of Mobile Keys in the Post Covid-19 Era

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Mobile keys and the post-Covid-19 era

The use of mobile keys, mobile check-in, mobile apps, and chatbots peaked during the pandemic because of their potential to improve hotel safety measures. However, they have plenty of other benefits, making them worthwhile, which help hotels improve guest experience throughout their journey. 

In addition, hotels worldwide have already implemented contactless solutions, and today, staff and guests are more comfortable using them than ever before. A large portion of surveyed hotel guests shared that they would continue using these solutions in the future. 

Mobile keys for hotels are here to stay

All of the above means digital technologies in the hotel industry and the mobile key solution, in particular, are here to stay even after the Covid-19 era. 

As part of the hospitality industry, it’s essential to recognize adapting to your customer’s expectations and keeping up with the newest technological trends is necessary. Failure to do so will most likely result in your competitors winning over your customers by offering them the services and opportunities they need. 

What hotel guests expect

Leisure and business travelers have already adapted to using new technology before, during and after their hotel stay. That means they are used to fast check-in procedures and to be able to perform them from anywhere. 

Getting their hotel room key is quick and doesn’t require physical contact. Customers can unlock doors, order services or chat with hotel staff through the comfort of their own mobile devices. 

Payments and checking out are more accessible than ever before. Being used to such convenience, people find it hard to imagine going back to the traditional or analog ways of hotel operations. 

The Importance of Mobile Keys in the Post Covid-19 Era

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Do mobile hotel keys have a future after Covid-19?

Using a digital key technology for hotel guest rooms gained massive popularity throughout the pandemic. However, hotel guests are now used to the comfort and convenience of mobile keys and expect hotels to continue using them in the future, together with other digital technologies. Mobile keys for hotels are here to stay. 

Do mobile keys for hotels have non-Covid-19 related benefits?

Mobile keys are famous for reducing physical contact and improving safety measures related to the Covid-19 crisis, but they also have many other benefits. In the long term, digital keys are a significant investment than the continuous replacement of broken key cards or traditional keys. 

They present a more sustainable solution for hotels’ needs, and the absence of queuing people at the front desk frees up staff time and facilitating hotel management.

Should hotels implement mobile keys?

Hotels worldwide have already turned to digital solutions that improve guest satisfaction and staff efficiency and provide more sustainable working methods. Guests have expectations of hotels, and if you want to keep up with new trends and your competitors, the implementation of mobile keys is vital for your success.

Innspire SEOThe Importance of Mobile Keys in the Post Covid-19 Era