Staff App

Happy staff make all the difference

Imagine all and management communication flowed on one unified platform!

Management, and staff could chat internally, and drop all the “rouge” platforms, such as WhatsApp, Telegram etc – everything visible on one platform! 

Tasks, to-do’s, messages, “likes”, “shares”, photos, group-info, “stand-ups”, engineering tasks, celebrations, new occupancy records – it’s now so much easier to 

engage, lead and keep staff happy!

Staff App

Imagine this for your internal teams communication:

A “Slack®” and “Facebook®” and a Task management system – in one unified mobile interface 


InnSpire is able to provide great added benefits to your guests, like our award-winning (HTNG Innovation of the Year) feature InnCast which has quickly become on of our most popular features. No wonder – as it lets your guests effortlessly stream their own content from their own device (iPhone, iPad, Android-phone/tablet, etc) to the TV in their room – no downloads, no installations! It could not be easier! 

Want to know more?

Book a chat with us!

Staff App