
InnSpire InnConnect Internet Access Portal – secure, reliable, and “just works”

Whether you’re a small boutique hotel or a giant resort with hundreds or thousands of rooms, the InnSpire InnConnect Internet Access Portal covers all your needs.

As soon as your guests arrive at your hotel, they connect to the Internet. Here’s your opportunity to make a great first impression, with a service that’s easy to use, no matter what type of device your guest is using.

InnSpire InnConnect Internet Access Portal can be branded with your hotel logo. Choose from a huge number of layouts and themes, and manage everything through an easy-to-navigate Content Management System.

Customizable, Brandable, Flexible!

Promote your services to your guests and increase sales with your own customized content
Allow guests to quickly and easily order your products and services on their own devices
Works seamlessly and automatically in a choice of 20 different languages.

Advantages for Guests

  • Easy Internet access with fast loading
  • Can be used on every type of device (smartphones, laptops and tablets) with any type of operating system, no matter the brand or model
  • Includes fast access to social networks such as Facebook, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter

Advantages for Hoteliers

  • Create your own customized portal using a complete set of tools and options including a variety of authentication methods
  • Take advantage of more revenue options by promoting your products and services
  • Monitoring and reporting capabilities allow you to refine and improve on the services you offer
Whether you’re a single property or a chain of hotels, the talented InnSpire team will looks after installation, on-board monitoring, maintenance and security. We aim to make the changeover seamless, and at the same time, you will retain complete control of the services and infrastructure with our dashboards and Content management tool.

All Tailored to your Needs and Specifications…

InnSpire InnConnect Internet Access Portal is an important investment in the future of your business. We offer a wide range of products adapted to different types of hotels and property sizes, with flexible financing.

No matter what type of hotel you operate, we have the ideal solution.

Your unique, powerful converged network will be designed for all present and future connectivity needs: Internet, Connected TV, Voice and casting and streaming services. At InnSpire we design and configure property networks with the latest equipment and technology standards, providing exceptional performance and security for your staff and guests.

The power of InnConnect

The InnConnect suite of products and services becomes a very flexible and powerful platform. Built to last and built to be able to scale.
InnConnect supports several business models, and ways to authenticate, supporting for example;

Business models:

  • Free to Guest
  • Free to All
  • Single or multi-tiered
  • Loyalty memberships

Ways to authenticate:

  • PMS
  • Vouchers
  • Social network sign-ins

Support and after-sales

Our after-sales commitment is a promise we are proud of. We see through each installation from beginning to end. This can be as early as from planning and design and all the way until support and end of life of the products. We are happy to upgrade to active management and monitoring, according to industry standard service level agreements.


We are happy to support with each step of the roll-out:

  • Seamless install and upgrades with a minimum of distraction from daily operations
  • World-class equipment setup, configured, optimized and ready for use
  • Best in breed infrastructure, products and service/support
  • Financing  

Secure, reliable and scalable solutions

We are proud to cooperate with many of the best global suppliers of hardware, technology and know-how. This means we are able to find great solutions almost regardless of the existing infrastructure or requirements.

Want to know more?

Book a chat with us!
